Land/Property Law

Land/Property Lawyers in Chandigarh

Land/Property Lawyers in Chandigarh

Courts, Forums and jurisdictions:

  • Punjab & Haryana High Court
  • District & Session Court Chandigarh
  • Civil Court Chandigarh
  • District & Session Court Mohali
  • Civil Court Mohali

Legal Advice & Consultation

  • Strictly by appointment.
  • Available methods: 1. In-person 2. Email 3. Telephonic

Procedure in Property Cases Adopted by the Best Property Lawyers in Chandigarh

  • The institution of the suit starts by filing the plaint in the civil court.
  • The plaint shall be drafted by an expert property lawyer and must contain a factual summary of the case which is filed by the plaintiff.
  • Cause of action and jurisdiction of the competent court has to be well established.
  • The plaint is to be replied with a through written statement submitted by the defendant.
  • Rejoinder, if any, is filed by the plaintiff.
  • The evidence is lead by both the sides.
  • Arguments are presented
  • A judgment and decree are pronounced by the civil court.
  • Execution is thereafter filed to implement the order of the trial court.
  • An appeal thereafter can be preferred before the District Judge.
  • A regular second appeal can be filed before the Hon’ble High Court
  • Special Leave Petition is filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
  • The limitation for filing a suit should always be kept in the mind.
  • The condonation of delay is not applicable for filing a suit.

The outcome of the property dispute is a direct result of the efforts put in the trial court, which is to say that a lot depends on the hands of a property lawyer.

Golden Rules

  • Activities in Nyay Dharam
    • Reserve prior appointment.
    • Inquire on consultation charges.
    • Observe punctuality.
    • Carry essential files and documents.
    • Depose fearlessly & truthfully.
    • Follow up with the given advice.
    • Be calm in spirit and active in mind.
    • Be patient and value hard-work.
    • Believe in good conscience.
  • Things NOT to do at Nyay Dharam
    • Do not insist on free telephonic advice. We value our counsel’s time and do not encourage freeloaders. If you need free legal-aid or pro-bono assistance, come to the office with prior appointment and make a request.
    • Do not come without an appointment.
    • Do not suggest corrupt measures – bribery, undue influence or favor, etc.
    • Do not insist on filing false cases for revenge, vengeance, or sadistic pleasure.
    • Do not use law for arm-twisting/ blackmailing and routing an unfair compromise.
    • Do not tell lies and make concoctions.

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